Can Christians Do Yoga? Understanding Yoga and Religion

Can Christians Do Yoga? Understanding Yoga and Religion

can Christians do yoga understanding yoga and religion

Can Christians do yoga? Over the years, I've been asked this question more times than I can count.  Yoga is a practice, not a religion.  There are many common misconceptions floating around in the universe about yoga and religions.  Many Christians have been taught that yoga somehow threatens Christian principles.  This is especially true in certain parts of the country, although it can happen anywhere.

I remember when we told my father-in-law that I was teaching yoga, he pulled my husband to the side and told him that he should really talk to me.  He explained that while doing yoga "people are praying to different gods in those positions," and "that's not something you want to mess with."  My husband gently explained that yoga is a practice and it doesn't threaten our religious beliefs or prayer life in any way.  In fact, yoga is a tool that has helped us get closer to God. 

Is Yoga a Religion?

Yoga is not a religion. is a spiritual and physical practice that originated in ancient India. While yoga has deep connections to Hindu philosophy and is commonly associated with Hinduism, it is not exclusive to any particular religious tradition. Yoga can be practiced by people of various religions or no religious affiliation at all. It is essentially a holistic system that combines physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation, and ethical principles to promote overall well-being and inner harmony. People may choose to incorporate their religious beliefs into their yoga practice, but the practice of yoga itself does not require adherence to any specific religious doctrines. 

How is Yoga Connected to Hinduism and Buddhism?

Yoga has historical and philosophical connections to both Buddhism and Hinduism.

Yoga's Roots In Hinduism

Yoga is deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy and is considered one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, known as Darshanas. The ancient text called the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational text of classical yoga and provides guidance on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Within Hinduism, yoga is seen as a means to achieve spiritual enlightenment and self-realization by integrating the body, mind, and spirit.

Shared Sacred Texts of Yoga and Hinduism

There are certain shared sacred texts that both Hinduism and yoga draw from, including:

  1. Vedas:

  2. The Vedas are the oldest and most authoritative scriptures of Hinduism. They consist of a collection of hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings. While the Vedas are primarily associated with Hinduism, they contain references to yoga practices and philosophies.

  3. Upanishads:

  4. The Upanishads are philosophical texts that explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and the self. They form the basis of Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy. The Upanishads discuss various yogic concepts, such as meditation, self-realization, and the union of the individual self (Atman) with the universal consciousness (Brahman).

  5. Bhagavad Gita:

  6. The Bhagavad Gita is a revered Hindu scripture that is considered a philosophical and spiritual guide. It is a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna, where Krishna imparts teachings on duty, righteousness, devotion, and self-realization. The Bhagavad Gita also discusses different paths of yoga, including Karma Yoga (path of selfless action), Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion), and Jnana Yoga (path of knowledge).

  7. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:

  8. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational text of classical yoga. It consists of aphorisms that provide guidance on the philosophy, practice, and attainment of yoga. The Yoga Sutras outline the eight limbs of yoga, including moral principles, physical postures, breath control, meditation, and spiritual absorption. While the Yoga Sutras are primarily associated with yoga, they are also recognized as a significant text in Hindu philosophical traditions.

These texts are considered sacred and authoritative within Hinduism and have had a profound influence on the development and understanding of yoga philosophy and practices. They provide insights into the spiritual and philosophical aspects of yoga and are studied and revered by practitioners and scholars alik

Yoga's Roots In Buddhism

While Buddhism originated in India, it developed its own distinct practices and teachings. The early Buddhist tradition emphasized meditation as a means to attain liberation from suffering. Although Buddhism does not emphasize physical postures as extensively as Hinduism, some forms of Buddhism, such as Tibetan Buddhism, have integrated physical practices and breath control techniques similar to yoga into their spiritual traditions. These practices aim to develop mindfulness, concentration, and insight.

It's important to note that while yoga has historical connections to both Buddhism and Hinduism, it is not limited to these religions. Yoga has transcended religious boundaries and has been embraced by people of various faiths and philosophical backgrounds as a means of physical well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.

Yoga has even been known to have roots in Egypt, which is where Kemetic Yoga comes from.

Why Do Some Christians Believe They Should Not Practice Yoga?

Some Christians may hold the belief that they should not practice yoga due to concerns about its potential association with non-Christian spiritual beliefs and practices. Here are a few reasons commonly cited by Christians who abstain from yoga:

  1. Religious syncretism: Some Christians may view yoga as inherently connected to Hinduism or New Age spirituality, which can be seen as conflicting with their Christian beliefs. They may be concerned about engaging in practices that have roots in religious traditions outside of Christianity.

  2. Worship and idolatry concerns: Yoga incorporates physical postures and sometimes includes mantras or chanting. Christians who have reservations about yoga may view these practices as potentially leading to worship of false gods or idolatry, which is considered contrary to Christian teachings.

  3. Spiritual influence: There is a concern among some Christians that engaging in yoga practices could open them up to spiritual influences or energies that are not aligned with Christian theology. This concern may arise from a belief in spiritual warfare and the idea that certain practices can invite negative spiritual influences.

  4. Distraction from Christian faith: Some Christians believe that practicing yoga might distract them from their relationship with God and their Christian spiritual practices. They may prioritize focusing on Christian prayer, meditation, or other forms of worship instead.

It's important to note that these concerns are not universally held by all Christians, and many Christians do practice yoga without perceiving any conflict with their faith. Additionally, there are alternative forms of yoga available that have been adapted specifically for a Christian audience, incorporating Christian prayer or Scripture into the practice. Ultimately, whether or not to practice yoga is a personal decision for each individual Christian based on their own beliefs and convictions.

How Can Practicing Yoga Support Christian Principles?

Yoga and Christianity can absolutely co-exist. It's quite common for yoga practitioners to maintain their Christian faith while having a deep personal yoga practice. Sometimes it's helpful to explore the commonalities between yoga and Christianity.

Before offering my opinion, I should throw out the disclaimer that the idea of how practicing yoga can support Christianity is subjective and can vary among individuals. While some Christians may have reservations about yoga due to its historical connections to other spiritual traditions, there are Christians who practice yoga and find value in it.

Here are some perspectives on how yoga can support Christianity for those who embrace it:

  1. Physical well-being:

  2. Yoga involves various physical postures, stretching, and breath control techniques that promote flexibility, strength, balance, and overall physical health. Taking care of one's body is often viewed as a way to honor the gift of life that God has given. By maintaining physical health through yoga, individuals can better serve God and others.

  3. Mindfulness and inner stillness:

  4. Yoga often incorporates meditation and mindfulness practices that can help individuals cultivate a sense of inner peace, clarity, and self-awareness. Christians who practice yoga may find that these practices enhance their ability to focus on prayer, reflect on biblical teachings, and develop a deeper connection with God.

  5. Stress relief and emotional well-being:

  6. Yoga can be an effective tool for managing stress, anxiety, and promoting emotional well-being. By practicing yoga, Christians may experience a greater sense of calmness, emotional balance, and a reduction in negative thought patterns. This can create a more conducive environment for prayer, contemplation, and a deeper engagement with their Christian faith.

  7. Cultivating virtues:

  8. Many yoga practices incorporate ethical principles such as non-violence, truthfulness, contentment, and self-discipline. These principles align with Christian values and can serve as a guide for living a virtuous life in accordance with Christian teachings.

  9. Unity and connection:

  10. Yoga has the potential to bring people together in a community, fostering a sense of unity and support. Christians who practice yoga in a group setting may find opportunities for fellowship, sharing their faith, and serving others within the yoga community.

It's essential to remember that practicing yoga in a way that supports one's Christian faith is a personal journey and may look different for each individual. Some Christians may choose to incorporate prayers, Scripture, or Christian meditation techniques into their yoga practice, while others may focus on the physical and mental benefits while keeping their faith separate. It ultimately depends on the individual's intentions, beliefs, and how they integrate their Christian worldview with the practice of yoga.

To learn more about the sacred texts of yoga, join us in our 200 hour ytt online.